Agriculture in Kerala

In Kerala, the agriculture sector continues to be the primary source of livelihood for a majority of the population. Agriculture and allied sector in the State contributed about 11.28 per cent to total Gross State Value Added (GSVA) in 2021-22(Q) at current prices. In the 13th Five-Year Plan period, agriculture sector in the State was severely impacted due to the unforeseen adversities of cyclone Ockhi (2017), major flood in 2018, and the COVID-19 pandemic. After attaining annual growth rate of 2.11 per cent in 2017-18, it declined to negative growth rates in two succeeding years. However, the growth recorded an improvement to 4.64 per cent in 2021-22 from 0.24 per cent in 2020-21 which is higher than the national growth rate of three per cent (P) at constant prices).